Type accession number and press Enter or Return to open a preloaded study.
Click on + to load a new study to your profile.
See-Mode reads the image annotations and automatically pre-fills the worksheet for you and populates the thyroid lobe sizes (in three dimensions) and the isthmus thickness.
If the annotation is generic or unclear (e.g. “D” or “L”) See-Mode might not recognize these measurements and you will need to click on the edit icon to fill these values manually.
See-Mode automatically lists and sorts all findings on the right and labels the image detections on the left with corresponding numbers.
Edit the nodule characteristics, dimensions and locations by hovering your mouse over a finding and clicking the edit icon.
Add new findings manually if See-Mode missed it; click on a detection from the images (unassigned detections appear inside a dashed box) and choose “Create New Finding”. PS: You can assign as many detections to a finding as appropriate. Each time a detection is added to a finding, the characteristics and TI-RADS score for that finding will be updated.
Remove a finding (e.g. if you believe it to be a false positive), by hovering your mouse over the finding in question, and clicking the red trash can icon in the upper right of the finding card.
If you don’t agree with the visual diagram, click on nodules to move them to the correct location, or use the the resizing handles to resize them.